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Build the Highest Structure

  • Grades 2 - 5
  • Under 1 Hour
  • Share

Challenge your students to a pipe cleaner building contest that teaches them research, creativity, and engineering skills. Have your students team up to see which group can create the tallest structure that doesn't topple over. Modify the requirements and even add materials to further engage your class in this fun and innovative contest.

Instructional Goal

The goal of this activity is for students to build the tallest freestanding structure with the supplies provided.

Activity Steps

  • Define the Problem – Need the tallest building
  • Develop Solution – Students research and develop solutions and discuss constraints
  • Develop Models – Students sketch design
  • Analyze Data from Tests – Students create the design and record failures and successes
  • Optimize the Solution – Students observe other groups to find ways to improve their design
  • Finalize the Design – Students make final improvements

About the Kit

This kit comes with a set of Ready-to-Decorate Posters that support students as they progress through and learn about the Engineering Design Process. It also comes with 300 pipe cleaners that are meant to be used to build a structure. The great thing about this activity is that teachers can modify the requirements to differentiate by adding more supplies or other requirements.

As students build exciting structures with pipe cleaners, and record their steps on these Ready-To-Decorate posters, they’ll learn all about the Engineering Design Process, including how to follow criteria, consider the constraints, and optimize their designs. Great for reinforcing the steps and vocabulary of the Engineering Design Process. Supports the NGSS for engineering design standards. Use this kit in your classroom for a STEM lesson or for STEM-related school events such as STEM Family Night or National STEM/STEAM Day.

Shop Ready-To-Decorate® STEM Challenge Learning Craft Kit

What You'll Need

Supply List

Everything you need is in the kit!

Optional classroom supplies:

  • scissors
  • rulers
  • pencils

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