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Really Good Stuff® has some really cool and innovative
STEM-based activities your students will love!

We believe the current focus on STEM — science, technology, engineering, and math — is a call to action for every
educator who wants to best prepare children for an emerging world that places high value on both the core subject
areas and the important skills of collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity.

Imagine the fun you and your students will have. #RGSimagine

Build The Highest Structure

Challenge your students to a pipe cleaner building contest that teaches them research, creativity, and engineering skills.

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Snow Cleanup Challenge

Can your class use their innovation skills to create the best solution to clear the snow using just basic classroom materials?

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Penguin Cool-Down Lesson

Explore concepts of sunlight with your students that involve solving multiple challenges to help their new penguin pals keep cool.

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