social distancing learning

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic — and Social Distancing
There's a new topic in every teacher's curriculum this year: social distancing. The sooner teachers can introduce, define and implement this concept, the better for everyone, both physically and emotionally.
Really Good Stuff® has many tools, useful in a classroom or via remote learning, that help children understand the need for personal space. Essential lessons of the present schoolyear include showing students how to keep a friendly distance between themselves and others, the importance of social distancing and other aspects of healthy practices. These significant discussions promote social-emotional learning as well, which is valuable at all ages.
While children learn about social distancing, they are also practicing the basic skills of reading, writing, number recognition, simple arithmetic and measurement. Furthermore, the study of personal and public health can serve as a launching point for scientific exploration, as it touches on the biology of microbes, including viruses.
The Best in Social Distance Learning Resources
To launch social distance learning with young students, try our distance learning resources such as the Social Distancing and Personal Space Conversation Cards, which raise thought-provoking question about emotions related to social distancing. Other ways to delve into this subject with primary graders are the Spaceman Teaches Distancing Read Aloud Book, or the Spaceman Teaches Distancing Measurement Tool, which demonstrates the actual separation length involved in social distancing.
For older students in grades 2 to 5, the Spaceman Teaches Distancing Learning Journal is a wonderful interactive resource, which kids can use at school or at home with their families. Better yet, get several social distancing resources in one with the Spaceman Teaches Distancing Kit, also geared to grades 2 to 5. The kit includes the Distance Learning Journals, a Protect Yourself and Others Banner Set, Social Distancing and Personal Space Conversation Cards and Ready-to-Decorate® Spaceman Teaches Distancing Measurement Tool and Fasteners.
Browse our products and see how Really Good Stuff® can help smooth the transition of your students to the reality of social distancing, which they can start practicing right away in a classroom or remote learning environment.