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pre-k essentials

1-6 of 6 items
Really Good Stuff® Alphabet Match Sticks - 104 sticks
Really Good Stuff® Alphabet Match Sticks - 104 sticks
$7.99 $20.98
You save: $12.99 (62.0%)
Really Good Stuff® Get Moving Sticks - 36 sticks
Picture Sticks™ - Alphabet - 2 puzzles, 1 bag
Subitizing Dominoes - 54 dominoes
Individual Student Supplies Kit  Elementary - 1 multi-item kit

Pre-K Essentials and Teaching Tools at Really Good Stuff

Any teacher who has spent time with pre-K kids knows that teaching and learning at this age is a delicate balance. Too much learning can lose wandering attention spans; too much fun and games can cause a wild situation that is difficult from which to simmer down. Our Pre-K Essentials are developed and gathered by former teachers who have been there and done that. We understand the unique needs of this age span and have tailored our available products to reflect those needs.

Get ‘Em Ready for Kindergarten

Most preschool kids are wildly excited about their upcoming kindergarten adventure. Part of this adventure, however, is getting them ready for the required milestones along the way. Our pre-K learning games, teacher essentials and activities are just the products to get them excited and ready for what’s to come. They're entertaining, stimulating and geared toward several specific kindergarten readiness skills, including recognition and basic understanding of colors, objects, letters and numbers.

Awesome Hands-On Tools for Pre-K

Puzzle stick games, like the Picture Sticks™ Colors and Picture Sticks™ Alphabet, are wonderful for pre-K children. Young ones love putting together happy scenes and pictures while learning colors, the alphabet and how letters are arranged to form simple, descriptive words. They'll also become familiar with the names of basic objects and activities during this early exploration of the world around them. (This includes enchanting animals they'll adore, too!)

Games and Social Interaction Skills

Games involving small groups, like the Whack-A-Letter Game, build a child's skill at connecting auditory and visual recognition of letters. Social interaction skills are also being forged as they learn to follow directions, take turns and participate as part of a group. In addition, eye-hand coordination is strengthened as they compete to be the first to whack the correct letter.

Numbers and Math Readiness

The same goes for our number games. These products include vibrant, delightful images to captivate your child's imagination as they begin to recognize numbers and relate these to quantities to everyday items. Playing within a group and being actively involved, as in the Subitizing SWAT! game, is even more alluring to young children who are guaranteed to enjoy the fast-action swatting required to win!

Build Learning and Close Bonding with Pre-K Essentials

Need to get the wiggles out? Our Get Moving Sticks are a must-have in your classroom. Whether you’re needing a rainy-day activity for indoor recess or looking for a way stimulate their brains and corral their boundless energy, these sticks are fun and engaging additions to your classroom. You can invent group games using these sticks to instantly get kids moving their bodies and expressing their creativity. Need more ideas? Check out our free resources for a wide range of age groups, grade levels and subjects.

Play and Learning: The Pre-K Way

With preschool children, the world is wonderful, new and just waiting to be explored. Our preschool essentials are designed and produced with this wonder in mind and are just waiting to make a difference in the lives of young kids! Enjoy our Satisfaction Guarantee promise on everything you buy here and always-helpful support. Have questions? Contact us! We’re here to help you find what you need to create and maintain a well-stocked classroom.

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