Comprehension Literacy Centers: Grades 4-5

Comprehension Literacy Centers: Grades 4-5
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Comprehension Literacy Centers: Grades 4-5 includes:
Reinforce Comprehension Skills With This Comprehensive Bundle Of Literacy Center Activities
Reinforce reading comprehension skills with this bundle of 12 literacy center activities specially geared to grades 4-5. Each game-like activity comes in a sealable plastic bag with a handle. Hang all 12 together on our storage rack also included in the bundle! (Search individual item numbers for a full description of each activity.)
Reinforce reading comprehension skills with this bundle of 12 literacy center activities specially geared to grades 4-5. Each game-like activity comes in a sealable plastic bag with a handle. Hang all 12 together on our storage rack also included in the bundle! (Search individual item numbers for a full description of each activity.)

Really Good Stuff® Author's Points, Reasons, And Evidence Literacy Center - 1 literacy center

Really Good Stuff® Compare And Contrast Same-Topic Texts Level 2 Literacy Center™ - 1 literacy center
Product Overview
Help students integrate information from two texts on the same topic by comparing and contrasting. Students read the two passages and flag their similarities and differences using the colored reusable word tags. They then transfer their findings to the Venn diagram.

Figure It Out! Figurative Language Literacy Center - 1 literacy center
Product Overview
Whether you’re a parent wanting to help your child get the most out of at-home learning or a teacher looking for activities to send home with students, this center has you covered! The challenge in this game is to interpret figurative phrases in the context of short reading passages. Players spin, answer a multiple-choice question, and earn a point if the answer is correct. Players can earn extra points by naming the type of figurative language used: simile, metaphor, idiom, personification, hyperbole, sarcasm, or onomatopoeia. Students can Self-checking their work as they go.
- REINFORCE SKILLS: Practice fun activities while learning to interpret figurative phrases in the context of short reading passages.
- INDEPENDENT PRACTICE / SELF CHECKING: Children can easily complete and interact with these materials independently and self-check their work.
- TEACHING GUIDE INCLUDED: a Really Good Instructional Guide is included to cover activities and supporting reproducibles.
- TARGETED SKILLS: Boost the same key skills children are learning in the classroom.
- GRAB AND GO contents neatly packaged in this convenient snap closured bag to learn anywhere or on the go.

Genres And Reasons Literacy Center™ - Grades 4-5 - 1 literacy center
Product Overview
Grades 4-5 Students read an engaging text passage and determine its genre(s). They can flip over the genre cards for guidance matching each genre to a piece of text. The student lays the genre cards by the text cards they best describe and then records the titles, genres, and reasons on the worksheets. Students practice assigning meaning to genre terminology and discover that some of the reading passages fit more than one genre.

Inference Fun Level 2 Literacy Center - Use for Grades 4-5 - 1 literacy center
Product Overview
Students have fun while practicing reading between the lines to understand the subtleties of text. Whether you're a parent wanting to help your child get the most out of at-home learning or a teacher looking for activities to send home with students, this center has you covered! They make their way along an under-the-sea path by making different kinds of inferences. Taking turns, students read short passages and then answer multiple-choice questions that require them to make inferences related to character traits, character feelings or thoughts, vocabulary, and central message. Wild Guess Cards with short, open-ended passages ask students to make wild guesses instead of logical inferences. By making both wild and logical guesses, students understand how context and background knowledge support inference making skills. Students can Self-checking their work as they go.
- REINFORCE SKILLS: Practice fun activities while learning different kinds of inferences.
- INDEPENDENT PRACTICE / SELF CHECKING: Children can easily complete and interact with these materials independently and self-check their work as they go.
- TEACHING GUIDE INCLUDED: a Really Good Instructional Guide is included to cover activities and supporting reproducibles.
- TARGETED SKILLS: Boost the same key skills children are learning in the classroom.
- GRAB AND GO contents neatly packaged in this convenient snap closured bag to learn anywhere or on the go.

Main Idea and Supporting Details: Grades 4-5 Sort and Write Level 2 Literacy Center - 1 literacy center
Product Overview
Students learn to distinguish Main Idea And Supporting Details in this reading and writing center. Whether you're a parent wanting to help your child get the most out of at-home learning or a teacher looking for activities to send home with students, this center has you covered! This is Standards-based content in a ready made center. The center challenges students to distinguish the main idea and supporting details in 20 different text samples. They analyze the text, sort it, and then write about it.
- REINFORCE SKILLS: Practice fun activities while learning to distinguish Main Idea And Supporting Details
- INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Children can easily complete and interact with these materials independently
- TEACHING GUIDE INCLUDED: a Really Good Instructional Guide is included to cover activities and supporting reproducibles
- TARGETED SKILLS: Boost the same key skills children are learning in the classroom
- GRAB AND GO contents neatly packaged in this convenient snap closured bag to learn anywhere or on the go

Main Idea Markup Level 2 Literacy Center™ - 1 literacy center
Product Overview
Students identify the main idea and supporting details of 10 informational texts using chipboard markers. They document how the details support the main idea and provide a summary on the reproducible response sheet. Materials for four students to work simultaneously. Self-checking.

Making Inferences Literacy Center™ - 1 literacy center
Product Overview
In this activity, students practice making inferences related to setting, character traits, point of view, and more. Through an engaging game, students find clues in the text and use their background knowledge to support their conclusions. They check their work by turning their cards over to see if a complete design is formed. Students use the graphic organizer on the back of the game mats to analyze text and organize their ideas.

Reading Strategies Game Level 2 Literacy Center™ - 1 literacy center
Product Overview
Students use multiple reading strategies to comprehend fiction and nonfiction text. The game mat guides students through text, prompting them to make personal connections, identify text elements, summarize, predict, ask questions, and more. Each space poses a unique challenge requiring students to use before, during, and after reading strategies to move forward.

Sort, Roll, And Write Informational Text Structures Literacy Center™ - 1 literacy center
Product Overview
Sorting mats with graphic organizers help students to identify six common text structures within one topic. Students roll the die to see which passage they will use to dig deeper, identify signal words, answer questions, and complete a graphic organizer. Self-checking.

Really Good Stuff® Text Features Level 2 Literacy Center™ - 1 literacy center
Product Overview
The features of three pieces of informational text are isolated on five different text cards. Each highlights a different text feature (table of contents, graphics with captions, print variations, headings and subheadings, charts, maps, graphs, glossary, and index). Students place the cards in the sequence in which they would find them in a book. They are then tasked to identify text features, locate specific information, and generalize information. The How to Use Text Features card with graphics and color helps students identify parts of a book and locate information quickly.

Theme Secret Agents Level 2 Literacy Center™ - 1 literacy center
Product Overview
Assign your secret agents to covertly identify the central messages of 16 texts and provide evidence, accruing points on the scoreboard. Secret agents then provide a written response in their Top Secret Reports. Includes materials for up to six students to play simultaneously. Selfchecking.

Really Good Stuff® Store More Sturdy Hang-Up Totes Rack™ - 1 rack
Product Overview
Our hang-up totes rack is now sturdier than ever and can still hold dozens of tote bags. It features a redesigned, tip-resistant base; a write-on/wipe-off magnetic bar along the top so you can label the rack or note different sections for the bags; and rubber-tipped feet to prevent scratches on shelves and tabletops. Assembly required.